- US5OH07M - Maumee Bay to Portage River
- US5OH08M - Islands in Lake Erie
- US5OH10M - Islands in Lake Erie Put-In-Bay
- US5OH11M - Cleveland Harbor including lower Cuyahoga River
- US5OH12M - Sandusky Harbor
- US5OH1AM - Rocky River Ohio
- US5OH1BM - Maumee Bay and Maumee River
- US5OH21M - Lorain Harbor
- US5OH31M - Toledo Harbor Entrance Channel to Harbor
- US5OH40M - Ashtabula to Chagrin River Mentor Harbor Chagrin River
- US5OH41M - Chagrin River Harbor - Ohio
- US5OR01M - Netarts Bay
- US5OR11M - Columbia River Pacific Ocean to Harrington Point llwaco Harbor
- US5OR12M - Columbia River Harrington Point to Crims Island
- US5OR13M - Columbia River Crims Island to Saint Helens
- US5OR14M - Columbia River Saint Helens to Vancouver
- US5OR15M - Port of Portland Including Vancouver Multnomah Channel - southern part
- US5OR16M - Willamette River-Swan Island Basin
- US5OR17M - Willamette River Portland to Walnut Eddy
- US5OR18M - Willamette River Walnut Eddy To Newburg
- US5OR19M - Columbia River Vancouver to Bonneville Bonneville Dam
- US5OR20M - Columbia River Lake Celilo
- US5OR21M - Columbia River John Day Dam to Blalock
- US5OR22M - Columbia River Sundale to Heppner Junction
- US5OR23M - Columbia River Alderdale to Blalock Islands
- US5OR24M - Columbia River Blalock Islands to McNary Dam
- US5OR25M - Columbia River-McNary Dam to Juniper
- US5OR26M - Columbia River Juniper to Pasco
- US5OR30M - Columbia River Bonneville to The Dalles The Dalles Hood River
- US5OR32M - Columbia River Pasco to Richland
- US5OR33M - Snake River; Lake Sacajawea
- US5OR34M - Snake River-Lake Herbert G. West
- US5OR35M - Snake River-Lake Bryon
- US5OR36M - Snake River-Lower Granite Lake
- US5OR37M - Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake Southern part
- US5OR38M - Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake Northern part
- US5OR39M - Lake Pend Oreille
- US5OR41M - Nehalem River
- US5OR42M - Tillamook Bay
- US5OR43M - Approaches to Yaquina Bay; Depoe Bay
- US5OR44M - Yaquina Bay and River - Continuation of Yaquina River
- US5OR45M - Siuslaw River
- US5OR46M - Umpqua River Pacific Ocean to Reedsport
- US5OR47M - Coos Bay
- US5OR48M - Coquille River Entrance
- US5OR49M - Port Orford to Cape Blanco;Port Orford
- US5OR50M - Cape Sebastian to Humbug Mountain
- US5OR51M - Pyramid Point to Cape Sebastian;Chetco Cove;Hunters Cove
- US5PA11M - Delaware River Wilmington to Philadelphia
- US5PA12M - Delaware River Philadelphia and Camden Waterfronts