- CA2307 - Coppermine Point to/Ã Cape Gargantua
- CA7782 - Queen Maud Gulf Western Portion/Partie Ouest
- CA4320 - Egg Island to/Ã West ironbound Island
- CA4462 - St. George's Bay
- CA2242 - Giants Tomb Island to/Ã Franklin Island
- CA7685 - Tuktoyaktuk Harbour and Approaches/et les approches
- CA2047 - Clarkson Harbour
- CA4230 - Little Hope Island to/Ã Cape St Marys
- CA4428 - Havre de Natashquan et les approches/and Approaches
- CA4281 - Canso Harbour and Approaches/et les Approches
- CA7954 - Cape Stallworth to Cape Discovery
- CA7941 - Nansen Sound and Greely Fiord
- CA1429 - Canal de la Rive Sud
- CA3908 - Kitimat Harbour
- CA8011 - Grand Bank, Northern Portion/ Grand Banc, Partie Nord
- CA7568 - Lancaster Sound and/et Admiralty Inlet
- CA7792 - Bathurst Inlet - Central Portion
- CA7181 - Durban Harbor
- CA3544 - Johnstone Strait, Race Passage and/et Current Passage
- CA5631 - Eskimo Point to Dunne Foxe Island
- CA3679 - Quatsino Sound
- CA5629 - Marble Island to/Ã Rankin Inlet
- CA5630 - Dunne Foxe Island to/Ã Chesterfield Inlet
- CA4321 - Cape Canso to Liscomb Island
- CA3550 - Approaches to/Approches à Seymour Inlet and/et Belize Inlet
- CA3680 - Brooks Bay
- CA3683 - Checleset Bay
- CA7935 - Crozier Strait and/et Pullen Strait
- CA4956 - Cap-aux-Meules
- CA3542 - Bute Inlet
- CA4456 - Baie Piashti à /to Petite Île au Marteau
- CA4403 - East Point to/Ã Cape Bear
- CA2017 - Kingston Harbour and Approaches/et les approches
- CA4255 - Georges Bank/Banc de Georges - Eastern Portion/Partie Est
- CA3957 - Approaches to/Approches à Prince Rupert Harbour
- CA3440 - Race Rocks to/Ã D'Arcy Island
- CA3443 - Thetis Island to/Ã Nanaimo
- CA3541 - Approaches to/Approches à Toba Inlet
- CA2315 - Harbours on the East Shore of Lake Superior/Ports sur la rive est du lac Supérieur
- CA4453 - Île à la Brume à /to Pointe Curlew
- CA3940 - Spiller Channel and/et Roscoe Inlet
- CA4416 - Havre de Gaspé
- CA4455 - Baie Washtawouka à /to Baie Piashti
- CA4954 - Chenal du Havre de la Grande Entrée
- CA4374 - Red Point to/Ã Guyon Island
- CA7527 - Erebus Bay and/et Radstock Bay
- CA3493 - Vancouver Harbour Western Portion/Partie Ouest
- CA1201 - Saint-Fulgence à /to Saguenay
- CA7951 - Bathurst Island to/Ã Borden Island
- CA7950 - Jones Sound,Norwegian Bay and Queens Channel