- CA376368 - Cape Harrigan to/aux Kitlit Islands
- CA376370 - Cape Harrison to Dog Islands
- CA376371 - Indian Bay to/à Wadham Islands
- CA376429 - Corbett Island to/à Ship Harbour Head
- CA376483 - Davis Inlet to/aux Seniarlit Islands
- CA376596 - Domino Point to Cape North
- CA376597 - Table Harbour, Continuation at same scale
- CA376616 - Garia Bay to/à Burgeo
- CA376619 - Burgeo to/à François
- CA376625 - Cape Ray to/à Garia Bay
- CA376627 - Hare Bay to/à Fortune Head
- CA376650 - Cape Kiglapait to Khikkertarsoak North Island
- CA376655 - Cape Freels to/à Exploits Islands
- CA376656 - White Bay and/et Notre Dame Bay
- CA376660 - Cape St. John to/à St. Anthony
- CA376665 - Hare Islands to/à North Head
- CA376668 - Khikkertarsoak North Island to/à Morhardt Point
- CA376669 - Khikkertarsoak North Island To Morhardt Point , Continuation A
- CA376689 - North Head to/à Murphy Head
- CA376691 - Cape George to/à Pictou
- CA376807 - Bonavista Bay, Southern Portion
- CA376808 - Bonavista Bay, Southern Portion
- CA376811 - South Auliatsivik Island to/à Fenstone Tickle Island
- CA376820 - Approaches to Hamilton Inlet
- CA376822 - Winsor Harbour Island to/aux Kikkertaksoak Islands
- CA376823 - Winsor Harbour Island to/aux Kikkertaksoak Islands
- CA379026 - Archipel de Mingan
- CA379028 - Pointe de Moisie à/to Île du Grand Caouis
- CA379029 - Cap de la Tête au Chien à/to Cap aux Oies
- CA379086 - Cap des Rosiers à/to Chandler
- CA379093 - Pointe Curlew à/to Baie Washtawouka
- CA379115 - Île du Petit Mécatina aux/to Îles Sainte-Marie
- CA379131 - Baie Piashti à/to Île au Marteau
- CA379139 - Île à la Brume à/to Pointe Curlew
- CA379140 - Baie Washtawouka à/to Baie Piashti
- CA379149 - Baie Natiscotec - Île d'Anticosti
- CA379151 - Pointe de l'Est - Île d'Anticosti
- CA379164 - ÎIes Sainte-Marie à/to Île à la Brume
- CA379182 - Lac Saint-Jean
- CA379216 - Iles de la Madeleine
- CA379232 - Île du Bic au/to Cap de la Tête au Chien
- CA470003 - Haro Strait, Boundary Pass and/et Satellite Channel
- CA470004 - Howe Sound
- CA470005 - North Pender Island to/à Thetis Island
- CA470017 - Discovery Passage
- CA470019 - Cordero Channel
- CA470022 - Johnstone Strait, Race Passage and/et Current Passage
- CA470031 - Queen Charlotte Strait, Central Portion/Partie Centrale
- CA470036 - Approaches to/Approches à Seymour Inlet and/et Belize Inlet
- CA470042 - Quatsino Sound