- AU5JML01 - Australia - New South Wales - Laurieton (Camden Haven)
- AU5KGC01 - Australia - South Australia - Gulf St Vincent - Kingscote
- AU5KIT01 - Australia - South Australia - Kingston SE
- AU5KMA01 - Australia - New South Wales - Kiama
- AU5MYA01 - Australia - New South Wales - Moruya River
- AU5PAB01 - Australia - Victoria - Port Albert
- AU5PEI01 - Australia - South Australia - Port Elliot
- AU5PQQ01 - Australia - New South Wales - Port Macquarie (Hastings River)
- AU5QDN01 - Australia - New South Wales - Twofold Bay - Eden and East Boyd Bay
- AU5QRX01 - Australia - New South Wales - Narooma
- AU5SHH01 - Australia - New South Wales - Shellharbour (Bass Point)
- AU5THS01 - Australia - New South Wales - Tweed Heads (Tweed River Entrance)
- AU5TRB01 - Australia - New South Wales - Macleay River and South West Rocks (Trial Bay)
- AU5TSV01 - Australia - Queensland - Townsville
- AU5TSV02 - Australia - Queensland - Magnetic Island - Nelly Bay
- AU5ULA01 - Australia - New South Wales - Ulladulla
- AU5VHR01 - Australia - South Australia - Victor Harbor
- AU5WHL01 - Australia - Victoria - Port Welshpool
- AU5WWR01 - Australia - New South Wales - Wooli (Wooli Wooli River)
- AU5YBA01 - Australia - New South Wales - Yamba (Clarence River)
- CA479256 - Île Mistanoque aux/to Îles Mack
- CA479257 - Continuation A
- FR569560 - Pointe Mataorio to Baie de Taravao
- FR57457A - Raroia - Passe Ngarue to Ngarumaoa anchorage - Tuamotu Islands
- AU5BCH01 - Australia - South Australia - Beachport
- AU5BNE01 - Australia - Queensland - Brisbane (East Channel to Brisbane River)
- AU5CFB01 - Australia - South Australia - Coffin Bay
- AU5CJS01 - Australia - South Australia - Gulf St Vincent - Cape Jervis
- AU5EYR01 - Australia - South Australia - Port Eyre
- AU5GGG01 - Australia - South Australia - Gulf St Vincent - Glenelg Boat Harbour and approaches
- AU5KBY01 - Australia - South Australia - Streaky Bay
- AU5LUB01 - Australia - South Australia - Lucky Bay
- AU5PEA01 - Australia - South Australia - Gulf St Vincent - Penneshaw
- AU5PMD01 - Australia - South Australia - Port MacDonnell
- AU5ROB01 - Australia - South Australia - Robe including Guichen Bay
- AU5SEN01 - Australia - South Australia - Southend
- AU5THE01 - Australia - South Australia - Thevenard and approaches
- AU5VNB01 - Australia - South Australia - Venus Bay
- AU5WLB01 - Australia - South Australia - Waterloo Bay
- EC401075 - Aproximacion a Puna
- EC510700 - Playas
- EC510721 - Terminales maritimas de Guayaquil
- EC510722 - Isla Esperanza
- EC510723 - Isla San Ignacio
- EC510741 - Isla Escalante
- EC510750 - Isla Puna
- US4AK6XT - Kotzebue Harbor and Approaches
- US4AK6XU - Kotzebue Harbor and Approaches