- CA271033 - Offshore Haida Gwaii
- CA271034 - Offshore Vancouver Island
- CA271060 - CA271060
- CA271100 - Vancouver Island
- CA271101 - South BC
- CA271102 - Mainland Washington
- CA271103 - Inshore Washington
- CA271104 - Offshore Washington
- CA271105 - CA271105
- CA271106 - CA271106
- CA271107 - CA271107
- CA271108 - CA271108
- CA273511 - Clyde Inlet to/à Cape Jameson
- CA273513 - Cape Jameson to/au Cape Fanshawe
- CA273527 - Barrow Strait and/et Viscount Melville Sound
- CA273528 - Viscount Melville Sound
- CA273529 - Viscount Melville Sound and/et M'clure Strait
- CA273530 - Eglington Island to/à Cape Kellett
- CA273551 - Bylot Island and Adjacent Channels
- CA273552 - Bylot Island and Adjacent Channels
- CA372006 - Superior Shoal
- CA372007 - Ikahuak (Sachs Harbour)
- CA373472 - Cape Mills to/à Cape Rammelsberg
- CA373482 - Strathcona Sound and/et Adams Sound
- CA373496 - Charity Shoal to/à Gull Bar including / y compris Long Point
- CA373501 - Beacon Island à/to Qikirtaaluk Islands
- CA373502 - Qikirtaaluk Islands à/to Point Qirniraujaq
- CA373504 - Pelly Bay
- CA373507 - Parry Bay to/au Navy Channel
- CA373508 - Navy Channel to/à Fury and Hecla Strait
- CA373509 - Fury and Hecla Strait
- CA373512 - Clyde Inlet
- CA373524 - Harbours and Anchorages Hudson Bay and James Bay/Ports et Mouillages Baie d'Hudson et Baie James
- CA373533 - Tanquary Fjord
- CA373534 - Glacier Fjord
- CA373545 - Cape Hooper and Approaches / et les Approches
- CA43XJ6A - Northern Lake Huron West - Gridded Cell at 4500N8400W
- CA43XJGA - Northern Lake Huron East - Gridded Cell at 4500N8300W
- CA448J6A - Western North Channel - Gridded Cell at 4600N08400W
- CA448JGA - Eastern North Channel - Gridded Cell at 4600N08300W
- CA471012 - Masset Harbour and/et Naden Harbour
- CA471013 - Hippa Island
- CA471014 - Hippa Island, Seal Inlet, Tartu Inlet, Masset Inlet
- CA471016 - Cartwright Sound, Skidegate Channel
- CA471017 - Skidegate Channel, Skidegate Inlet
- CA471018 - Dogfish Banks
- CA471019 - Tasu Sound
- CA471020 - Selwyn Inlet