- US5PVDCE - Rhode Island Sound - Easton Bay to Gooseberry Beach
- US5PVDCF - Rhode Island Sound - Sachuest Point to Sakonett Point
- US5PVDDC - Narragansett Bay - West Passage
- US5PVDDD - Narragansett Bay - East Pass and Conanicut Island
- US5PVDDE - Narragansett Bay - East Passage - Easton Bay and Sachuest Bay
- US5PVDDF - Sakonnet River to Rhode Island Sound
- US5PVDEC - Narragansett Bay - Wild Goose Point to Wickford - Quonset Point and Davisville Depot/ Allen Harbor
- US5PVDED - Narragansett Bay - Canonicut - Prudence and Hope Islands
- US5PVDEE - East Passage Rhode Island Sound to Narragansett Bay
- US5PVDFC - Greenwich Bay and Potowomut River
- US5PVDFD - Narragansett Bay - Oakland Beach to Prudence Island
- US5PVDFE - Providence River Channel and Bristol Harbor
- US5PVDGC - Brush Neck Cove
- US5PVDGD - Providence River
- US5PVDHC - Providence River
- US5PVDHD - Providence River to Seekonk River
- US5PVDID - Seekonk River - Cold Spring Point to Pawtucket
- US5PWMBD - Cape Elizabeth and Vicinity
- US5PWMCB - Fore River - Barberry Creek to Long Creek
- US5PWMCC - Broad Cove to Portland Harbor
- US5PWMCD - Casco Bay to Whitehead Passage
- US5PWMCE - West Cod Ledge and Casco Bay
- US5PWMDB - Fore River
- US5PWMDC - Portland Harbor and Vicinity
- US5PWMDD - Casco Bay - Hussey Sound and Luckse Sound
- US5RI1AB - North Atlantic Ocean - Approach to Endeavor Shoals and Block Island Sound
- US5RI1AC - North Atlantic Ocean
- US5RI1AD - North Atlantic Ocean
- US5RI1AE - North Atlantic Ocean
- US5RI1BB - North Atlantic Ocean - Approach to Endeavor Shoals and Block Island Sound
- US5RI1BC - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1BD - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1BE - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1CA - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1CB - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1CC - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1CD - Block Island
- US5RI1CE - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1DA - Block Island Sound - Watch Hill to Atlantic Beach
- US5RI1DB - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1DC - Block Island Sound
- US5RI1EA - Pawcatuck River and Atlantic Beach
- US5RI1EB - Block Island Sound - Entrances to Winnapaug Pond and Quonochontaug Pond
- US5RI1EC - Block Island Sound - From Quonochontaug Beach to Entrance of Ninigret Pond
- US5SJUCD - BahÃa de San Juan
- US5SJUCE - Laguna San Jose and Punta El Medio
- US5SJUCF - Laguna La Torrecillia
- US5SJUDC - Approaches to San Juan and Ensenada De Boca Vieja
- US5SJUDD - BahÃa de San Juan
- US5SJUDE - Approaches to San Juan and Punta Las Marias