- CA570729 - Roscoe Bay
- CA573005 - Cape Hurd to/à Tobermory and/et Cove Island
- CA573008 - Toronto Harbour
- CA573010 - Welland Canal
- CA573013 - Oshawa Harbour
- CA573105 - Port Burwell
- CA573108 - Clarkson Harbour
- CA573118 - Kingston Harbour and Approaches/et les approches
- CA573136 - Quebec Harbour
- CA573227 - Churchill Harbour
- CA573231 - Byng Inlet and Approaches
- CA573242 - Kincardine
- CA573243 - Port Elgin
- CA573247 - Pike Bay to Indian Harbour
- CA573253 - Port of Thunder Bay
- CA573256 - East Rous Island to Matheson Island
- CA573265 - Frenchman Point to Howdenvale
- CA573270 - Heron Bay
- CA573273 - Goderich Harbour
- CA573280 - Bears Back Island to Clapperton Island
- CA573283 - Approaches to/Approches à Parry Sound North
- CA573284 - Approaches to/Approches à Parry Sound
- CA573292 - McGregor Bay
- CA573301 - Rankin Inlet Including / Y Compris Melvin Bay And/ Et Prairie Bay
- CA573303 - Port Dover
- CA573306 - Nanticoke Harbour
- CA573307 - Killarney to/à Little Current
- CA573308 - Rose Island to Parry Sound
- CA573312 - Wheatley Harbour
- CA573314 - Kingsville Harbour
- CA573315 - Leamington Harbour
- CA573316 - Port Stanley
- CA573318 - M'Clintock Bay
- CA573327 - Erieau - Entrance to Rondeau Bay
- CA573333 - Cambridge Bay Harbour
- CA573335 - Sinclair Creek
- CA573339 - Bernard Harbour
- CA573340 - Lady Franklin Point
- CA573347 - Cape Croker
- CA573348 - Roberts Bay
- CA573356 - Chesterfield Anchorage
- CA573360 - Glencore Xstrata Wharf (formerly Falconbridge Wharf)
- CA573361 - Gananoque Harbour
- CA573362 - Hamilton Harbour
- CA573363 - Hamilton Yacht Clubs/Clubs Nautiques de Hamilton
- CA573366 - Broughton Harbour and Landing Beach
- CA573367 - Collingwood
- CA573368 - Owen Sound Harbour
- CA573370 - Quaqtaq
- CA573371 - Kangirsuk