- EE213056 - Gulf of Riga W, Vainameri S
- EE213064 - Baltic Sea N
- EE213067 - Baltic Sea, Middle
- EE3D0014 - Baltic Sea, Estonian-Swedish border
- EE3D0201 - Gulf of Finland, Narva
- EE3D0403 - Gulf of Finland, Kunda
- EE3D0404 - Gulf of Finland,Kasmu to Ihasalu
- EE3D0705 - Gulf of Finland, Muuga to Paldiski
- EE3D0906 - Baltic Sea, Pakri to Vormsi
- EE3D1107 - Baltic Sea,N of Hiiumaa
- EE3D1108 - Baltic Sea,NW of Hiiumaa
- EE3D1311 - Vainameri E
- EE3D1312 - Vainameri W
- EE3D1513 - Baltic Sea, W of Saaremaa
- EE3D1610 - Gulf of Riga, Parnu Bay
- EE3D1616 - Island Ruhnu
- EE3D1913 - Gulf of Riga, Irbe Strait
- EE40650A - Mustvee to Vasknarva
- EE40652A - Kodavere to Raskopelski Bay
- EE40653B - Praaga to Kolpino sland
- EE4C0101 - Toila Harbour to narva-Joesuu
- EE4C0302 - Purtse Harbour to Toila Harbour
- EE4C1408 - Suur Pakri to Rohukula Harbour
- EE4C1609 - Osmussaar Island to Heltermaa Harbour
- EE4C1810 - Hiiumaa Island
- EE4C2011 - W Coast of Hiiumaa Island
- EE4C2112 - Approach to Port of Virtsu
- EE4C2113 - E Coast of Saaremaa, Kihnu Island
- EE4C2214 - Approaches to Ports of Sõru and Triigi
- EE4C2415 - W Coast of Saaremaa Island
- EE4C3520 - Peninsula Sorve,EE-LV Border
- EE4C3521 - W from Saaremaa Island
- EE4C3619 - Island Abruka,EE-LV Border
- EE4C3718 - Ruhnu Island
- EE4C3816 - Approach to Port of Pärnu
- EE4C3817 - SE from Kihnu Island
- EE4D0503 - Approach to Pirt to Kunda
- EE4D0604 - Approach to Vergi Harbour
- EE4D0805 - Kaberneeme Peninsula to Port of Loksa
- EE4D1006 - Approaches to Ports of Tallinn and Muuga
- EE4D1207 - Naissaar Island to Ports of Paldiski
- EE4V0731 - Vortsjarv,Emajogi to Tarvastu Polder
- EE4V0733 - Vortsjarv,Tarvastu Polder to Pikasilla
- EE50744D - Sviby-Heltermaa-Rohukula
- EE50752C - Soela Strait to Triigi Baynknown
- EE50780E - Parnu Bay, Parnu River
- EE50781D - Kihnu Strait
- EE50805C - Sillamäe Harbour
- EE50811C - Kunda Harbour
- EE50816K - Loksa and Hara harbours