- PT56602B - Porto de Vale de Cavaleiros
- PT56602C - Tarrafal - Santiago Island
- PT56602D - Porto Inglês Harbour
- PT56603A - Sal - Rei Harbour
- PT56603B - Santa Maria harbour
- PT56603C - Palmeira Bay
- PT568501 - Praia Harbour
- PT568502 - Porto Grande Harbour
- PT568520 - Ana Chaves Bay
- RO405001 - De la Vama Veche la Capul Tuzla
- RO405002 - De la Capul Tuzla la Capul Midia
- RO405003 - De la Midia la Grindul Chituc
- RO405004 - De la Grindul Chituc la Zaton
- RO405005 - De la Zaton la Sf. Gheorghe
- RO405006 - De la Gura Sf. Gheorghe la Gura Musura (Sf. Gheorghe Mouth to Musura Mouth)
- RO501011 - Portul Mangalia
- RO501031 - Portul Midia (Port of Midia)
- RO503009 - Portul Sulina cu zona de aterizare (Port of Sulina and approaches)
- RO600511 - Portul Mangalia (Port of Mangalia) West
- RO600512 - Portul Mangalia (Port of Mangalia) East
- RO600531 - Portul Midia (Partea de Vest) - Port of Midia (West Side)
- RO600532 - Portul Midia (Partea de Est) - Port of Midia (East Side)
- RU1A2K00 - Indian Ocean - Antarctic Coast - Sodruzhestva and Kosmonavtov Seas
- RU1B0PF0 - Indian Ocean - Antarctic Coast - Mawson and Davis Seas
- RU2A0I10 - Atlantic and Indian Oceans The Antarctic Coast Leningradskiy Gulf to Erskine Iceport
- RU2A1AD0 - Pacific Ocean Antarctic Coast La Voisier (Nansen) Island to Aleksandr I Land
- RU2ANEH0 - Atlantic Ocean The Antarctic Coast Weddell Sea Cabo Rol to Vahsel Bay
- RU2BLQN0 - Indian Ocean - Antarctic Coast - Davis Sea
- RU2BNM40 - Indian Ocean - Antarctic Coast - Kosmonavtov Sea - Cape Ann to Alasheyev Gulf
- RU2LHMJ0 - Caspian Sea - Southern Part
- RU2M2LB0 - Eastern part of the Black Sea
- RU2M4MJ0 - Caspian Sea N Part
- RU2M6US1 - Sea of Japan - Northwest Coast - Tumannaya River to Maksimov Point
- RU2M6VO1 - Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan - Sakhalin Island (southern part)
- RU2M6WF1 - Sea of Okhotsk - Kuril’skiye Islands - Kunashir Island to Simushir Island
- RU2M6X60 - Kuril'skiye Islands - Simushir Island to Ekarma Island and area SE from Kuril'skiye Islands
- RU2M6XR0 - Pacific Ocean - northern part - from 42°00’N to 49°00’N and from 159°00’E to 166°00’E
- RU2M6YI0 - Pacific Ocean - northern part - Emperor Seamount Chain
- RU2MRVF0 - Sea of Okhotsk and Sea of Japan - Tatarskiy Strait (north part)
- RU2MRWF0 - Sea of Okhotsk - north part - from 49°00'N to 56°00'N and from 145°00'E to 152°00'E
- RU2MRX60 - Pacific Ocean - Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril'skiye Islands. Onekotan Island to Avachinskiy Gulf
- RU2MRXR0 - Pacific Ocean - Kamchatka Peninsula - Avachinskiy Gulf to Kamchatskiy Gulf
- RU2MRYI1 - Bering Sea - Komandorskiye Islands - Bering Island
- RU2NGZ91 - Bering Sea - from Dezhnyov Bay to Ugol'naya Bay
- RU2NI001 - Bering Sea - 56°00’N to 63°00’N - 180°00’W to 173°00’W
- RU2NIVL0 - Sea of Okhotsk - Lantarskiy Point to Okhotskiy Roads
- RU2NIWF0 - Sea of Okhotsk - N Coast - Approaches to Tauyskaya Inlet
- RU2NIX60 - Sea of Okhotsk - Tinro Basin to Nayakhanskaya Inlet
- RU2NIXR0 - Sea of Okhotsk and Bering Sea - Kamchatka Peninsula (north part) - Shelikhov Gulf and Karaginskiy Gulf
- RU2NIYI0 - Bering Sea - Goven Point to Matros Zayats Point