- RU3M9ML0 - Caspian Sea - West Coast - Novyybakhtemir to River Sulak
- RU3M9MT0 - Caspian Sea - East Coast - Urdyuk Point to Peschanyy Point
- RU3MALO0 - Black Sea - Coast of the Caucasus - Idokopas Point to Khosta
- RU3MAVD9 - Yevstafiy Bay to Ozyora Bay
- RU3MAW60 - Sea of Okhotsk - Hokkaido Island - Esashi Harbour to Abashiri Gulf
- RU3MBLB0 - Black Sea - Coast of the Crimea - From Nikolayevka to Point Kikineyz
- RU3MBLJ0 - Black Sea - The Crimea and Caucasus Coasts - Point Opuk to Point Tolstyy
- RU3MCMJ0 - Caspian Sea - North West Coast - Chistaja Banka Island to Suyutkina Kosa Point
- RU3MDMQ0 - Caspian Sea - Northern Part - Kulalinskaya Bank to Gur'yevskiy Fairway with Mangyshakskiy Gulf
- RU3MDN20 - Caspian Sea - East Coast - Mangyshakskiy Gulf.
- RU3MDWM9 - Sea of Okhotsk Kuril'skiye Islands Iturup Island and Urup Island
- RU3MEVH9 - Yakubovskiy Point to Olimpiada Point
- RU3MFLJ0 - Eastern Part of Sea of Azov
- RU3MFMM0 - North West Coast of Caspian Sea - Astrakhan' to Volga - Caspian Canal
- RU3MFMR0 - Caspian Sea - North Coast - Peschanyy Island to Settlement Zaburun'e
- RU3MFW29 - Sakhalin Island and La Perouse Strait with Approaches
- RU3MGN10 - Caspian Sea N Coast Gur'yevskiy Fairway
- RU3MGX00 - Sea of Okhotsk - Kuril'skiye Islands - Urup Island to Simushir Island
- RU3MJVO9 - Sosunov Point to Peshchernyy Point
- RU3MLX39 - Sea of Okhotsk - Kuril'skiye Islands - Simushir Island to Shiashkotan Island
- RU3MOVT9 - Icha Point to Sobornyy Point
- RU3MOW70 - Glen Bay to Lun'skiy Gulf
- RU3MQX89 - Sea of Okhotsk - Kuril'skiye Islands - Shiashotan Island to Paramushir Island
- RU3N0XC9 - Sea of Okhotsk - Kuril'skiye Islands - Paramushir Island to South Part of Kamchatka Peninsula
- RU3N1XM9 - Pacific Ocean - East Coast of Kamchatka Peninsula - Senyavin Point to Kruglyy Point
- RU3N4W00 - North Part of Tatarskiy Strait and Amurskiy Liman
- RU3N4W70 - Nabil'skiy Gulf to Piltun Gulf
- RU3N4XE0 - Mouth Ozyornaya River to Mouth Kikhchik River
- RU3N6XO0 - Pacific Ocean - Kamchatka Peninsula - E Coast - Polosatyy Point To Shipunskiy Point
- RU3N9VS9 - Pil'tun Gulf to Aleksandr Point
- RU3N9XC0 - Kikhchik River Mouth to Krutogorova River Mouth
- RU3NAVF9 - Chunikan
- RU3NAXR9 - Pacific Ocean Kamchatka Peninsula East Coast Kronotskiy Gulf
- RU3NCJP9 - Baltic Sea S Part. Russian-Lithuanian Boundary to Russian-Polish Boundary
- RU3NCYB9 - Pacific Ocean Bering Sea Komandorskiye Islands
- RU3NEY40 - Pacific Okean - Kamchatka Peninsula - Kamchatskiy Gulf
- RU3NFXC0 - Oblukovina River Mouth to Moroshechnaya River
- RU3NHY50 - Bering Sea East Coast of Kamchatka Peninsula Kamchatskiy Point to Nachikinskiy Point
- RU3NJVN9 - Lagranda Bay to Enken Point
- RU3NKXC0 - Moroshechaya River Mouth to Babushkina Point.
- RU3NNVT0 - Sea of Okhotsk - North-West Coast - Khanyangda Point to Okhotskiy Roads
- RU3NNWT9 - Magadan
- RU3NNY50 - Bering Sea East Coast of Kamchatka Peninsula Southern Part of Karaginskiy Gulf
- RU3NOWL9 - Izmaylov Point to Yana River
- RU3NOX89 - Yevreinov Point to Seryy Point
- RU3NOXH9 - Tigil’ River to Kinkil’skiy Point
- RU3NPW90 - Syurkum Point to Marekan Point
- RU3NQY80 - Bering Sea - Kamchatka Peninsula - East Coast - Karaginskiy Gulf North Part
- RU3NRYK0 - Bering Sea NW Coast Olyutorskiy Gulf
- RU3NRZ00 - Bering Sea North-West Coast.Olyutorskiy Point To Nataliya Bay