- US30029K - Vahsel Bay and Vicinity; including Belgrano Station II
- US3AK12M - Cook Inlet-southern part
- US3AK1DM - Cook Inlet-northern part
- US3AK21M - Prince William Sound
- US3AK2DM - Point Elrington to East Chugach Island
- US3AK2HM - Prince William Sound West Side
- US3AK38M - Cross Sound to Yakutat Bay
- US3AK3AM - Stephens Passage to Cross Sound including Lynn Canal
- US3AK3BM - Coronation Island to Lisianski Strait
- US3AK3CM - Etolin Island to Midway Islands including Sumner Strait;Holkham Bay;Big Castle Island
- US3AK3UM - Etolin Island to Midway Islands including Sumner Strait;Holkham Bay;Big Castle Island
- US3AK40M - Dixon Entrance to Chatham Strait
- US3AK42M - Hecate Strait to Etolin Island including Behm and Portland Canals
- US3AK4PM - Coronation Island to Lisianski Strait
- US3AK4RM - Hecate Strait to Etolin Island including Behm and Portland Canals
- US3AK4ZM - Cross Sound and Glacier Bay
- US3AK50M - Shumagin Islands to Sanak Islands
- US3AK5KM - Kodiak Island; Chirikof Island
- US3AK60M - Unalaska l. to Amukta l.
- US3AK61M - Unimak and Akutan Passes and approaches
- US3AK71M - Near Islands Buldir Island to Attu Island
- US3AK72M - Ingenstrem Rocks to Attu Island
- US3AK7BM - Rat Islands Semisopochnoi Island to Buldir l.
- US3AK7GM - Igitkin ls. to Semisopochnoi Island
- US3AK7RM - Amukta Island to Igitkin Island
- US3AK7WM - Igitkin ls. to Semisopochnoi Island
- US3AK80M - Norton Sound Golovnin Bay
- US3AK83M - Cape Ramonzof to St. Michael
- US3AK84M - Kuskokwim Bay
- US3AK89M - Bering Sea St. Lawrence Island to Bering Strait
- US3AK8CM - Pribilof Islands
- US3AK95M - St. Matthew Island
- US3CA14M - San Francisco to Point Arena
- US3CA15M - Point Arena to Trinidad Head
- US3CA52M - Point Sur to San Francisco
- US3CA69M - Point Dume to Purisma Point
- US3CA70M - San Diego to Santa Rosa Island
- US3CA85M - Point Conception to Point Sur
- US3DE01M - Cape May to Cape Hatteras
- US3EC06M - Georges Bank Western part
- US3EC07M - Georges Bank Eastern part
- US3EC08M - Chesapeake Bay
- US3EC09M - Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals
- US3EC10M - Bay of Fundy to Cape Cod
- US3EC11M - Bay of Fundy to Cape Cod
- US3FL28M - Fowey Rocks to American Shoal
- US3FL30M - Cape Canaveral to Key West
- US3FL90M - Florida Keys Sombrero Key to Dry Tortugas
- US3GA10M - Charleston Light to Cape Canaveral
- US3GC01M - Galveston to Rio Grande