- US3GC02M - Mermentau River to Freeport
- US3GC03M - Mississippi River to Galveston
- US3GC04M - Approaches to Mississippi River
- US3GC05M - Cape St. George to Mississippi Passes
- US3GC06M - Tampa Bay to Cape San Blas
- US3GC07M - Havana to Tampa Bay
- US3HA04M - Hawaiian Islands
- US3HA10M - Island of Hawaii
- US3HA20M - Hawaii to Oahu
- US3HA60M - Oahu to Niihau
- US3HA76M - Gambia Shoal to Kure Atoll including approaches to the Midway Islands
- US3LA01M - Intracoastal Waterway New Orleans to Calcasieu River West Section
- US3LA02M - Intracoastal Waterway New Orleans to Calcasieu River East Section
- US3NY01M - Approaches to New York Nantucket Shoals to Five Fathom Bank
- US3OR01M - Yaquina Head to Columbia River
- US3OR02M - Cape Blanco to Yaquina Head
- US3OR03M - Trinidad Head to Cape Blanco
- US3PLW01 - Palau - Palau Islands
- US3PR10M - Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
- US3SC10M - Cape Hatteras to Charleston
- US3SP40M - United States Possession Approaches to Johnston Atoll
- US3WA01M - Approaches to Strait of Juan de Fuca Destruction lsland to Amphitrite Point
- US3WA03M - Columbia River to Destruction Island
- US3WA46M - Puget Sound
- US409860 - Panama - Approaches to Cristobal
- US409890 - Punta Rincon to Isla Tupile
- US410840 - Approaches to Les Cayes and Aquin - Haiti
- US410865 - Navassa Island (U.S.) to Cap Tiburon (Haiti)
- US410880 - Approach to Port-Au-Prince
- US410915 - Haiti - Canal De La Tortue
- US410930 - Approaches to Cap-Haitien and Bahia de Monte Cristi
- US456370 - Kwajalein Anchorage - Marshall Islands
- US456660 - Approaches to Malakal Harbor - Palau
- US456662 - Ngeaur
- US456665 - Sonsorol Islands
- US456670 - Helen Reef
- US4AK00M - Yukon River AK
- US4AK13M - Cook Inlet-Anchor Point to Kalgin Island Ninilchik Harbor
- US4AK14M - Cook Inlet-Kalgin Island to North Foreland
- US4AK15M - Cook Inlet-East Foreland to Anchorage
- US4AK17M - Cape Alitak to Cape lkolik
- US4AK19M - Barren Islands
- US4AK1AM - Gore Point to Anchor Point
- US4AK1CM - Kamishak Bay lliamna Bay
- US4AK1EM - Cook Inlet-Cape Elizabeth to Anchor Point
- US4AK22M - Prince William Sound-western entrance
- US4AK24M - Prince William Sound-Port Fidalgo and Valdez Arm
- US4AK25M - Prince William Sound-eastern entrance
- US4AK26M - Controller Bay
- US4AK2AM - Prince William Sound-western part