- US5AK4HM - Lake Bay and approaches Clarence Str.
- US5AK4IM - North end of Cordova Bay and Hetta Inlet
- US5AK4JM - Clarence Strait and Moira Sound
- US5AK4KM - Kendrick Bay to Shipwreck Point; Prince of Wales Island
- US5AK4LM - Harbors in Clarence Strait Port Chester
- US5AK4MM - Clarence Strait Cholmondeley Sound and Skowl Arm
- US5AK4NM - Portland Inlet to Nakat Bay
- US5AK4OM - Harbor Charts - Clarence Strait and Behm Canal; Dewey Anchorage; Etolin Island; Ratz Harbor; Prince of Wales Island; Naha Bay; Revillagigedo Island; Tolstoi and Thorne Bays; Prince of Wales ls.; Union Bay; Cleveland Peninsula
- US5AK4QM - Kasaan Bay Clarence Strait;Hollis Anchorage eastern part;Lyman Anchorage
- US5AK4TM - Baker Island and Adjacent Waters
- US5AK50M - Mist Harbor
- US5AK54M - Northeast Harbor;Peterson and Salmon Bays;Sanak Harbor
- US5AK55M - King Cove Harbor
- US5AK57M - Delarof Harbor and Popof Strait
- US5AK58M - Chiachi Islands Anchorage
- US5AK5AM - Portage and Wide Bays Alaska Pen.
- US5AK5DM - Womens Bay
- US5AK5EM - Kodiak and St. Paul Harbors
- US5AK5HM - Chignik and Kujulik Bays - Alaska Pen - Anchorage and Mud Bays - Chignik Bay
- US5AK5JM - Dakavak Bay to Cape Unalishagvak;Alinchak Bay
- US5AK5MM - Alitak Bay-Cape Alitak to Moser Bay
- US5AK5NM - Sitkalidak Passage
- US5AK5PM - Whale Passage and Ouzinkie Harbor
- US5AK5SM - Bays and Anchorages Kodiak Island
- US5AK5UM - Shuyak Strait and Bluefox Bay
- US5AK63M - Inanudak Bay and Nikolski Bay Umnak l.;River and Mueller Coves
- US5AK64M - Unalaska Island Umnak Pass and approaches
- US5AK65M - Kulikak Bay and Surveyor Bay
- US5AK66M - Chernofski Harbor to Skan Bay
- US5AK67M - Chernofski Harbor
- US5AK68M - Makushin Bay
- US5AK69M - Cape Kovrizhka to Cape Cheerful
- US5AK6AM - Unalaska Island Protection Bay to Eagle Bay
- US5AK6BM - Beaver Inlet
- US5AK6CM - Unalaska Bay and Akutan Pass
- US5AK6DM - Dutch Harbor
- US5AK6EM - Captains Bay
- US5AK6GM - Akutan Bay Krenitzin Islands
- US5AK74M - Attu Island Theodore Pt. to Cape Wrangell
- US5AK75M - Temnac Bay
- US5AK76M - Massacre Bay
- US5AK77M - Sarana Bay to Holtz Bay;Chichagof Harbor
- US5AK78M - Agattu Island
- US5AK79M - Semichi Islands Alaid and Nizki Islands
- US5AK7AM - Shemya Island;Alcan Harbor;Skoot Cove
- US5AK7DM - Kiska Harbor and Approaches
- US5AK7EM - Constantine Harbor Amchitka Island
- US5AK7HM - Andrenof. Islands Tanga Bay and approaches
- US5AK7IM - Kanaga Pass and Approaches
- US5AK7LM - Kanaga Bay Chapel Roads and Chapel Cove Adak Island