- US5AK7MM - Bay of Islands Aranne Channel Hell Gate
- US5AK7NM - Kuluk Bay and approaches including Little Tanaga and Kagalaska Strs.
- US5AK7OM - Sweeper Cove Finger and Scabbard Bays
- US5AK7PM - Tagalak Island to Little Tanaga l.
- US5AK7QM - Tagalak Island to Great Sitkin Island Sand Bay-Northeast Cove
- US5AK7RM - Finch Cove Seguam Island;Sviechnikof Harbor; Amilia Island
- US5AK7SM - Atka Island to Chugul Island Atka Island
- US5AK7TM - Atka Island western part
- US5AK7UM - Korovin Bay to Wall Bay-Atka Island Martin Harbor
- US5AK7VM - Nazan Bay and Amilia Pass
- US5AK82M - Nome Harbor and Approaches Norton Sound
- US5AK83M - St. Michael Bay
- US5AK88M - Dillingham Small Boat Basin
- US5AK8AM - St. George Harbour
- US5AK8BM - Village Cove
- US5AK8DM - Little Diomede Island
- US5AK92M - Alaska - West Coast. Delong Mountain Terminal
- US5AK93M - Point Hope to Cape Dyer
- US5AK94M - Cape Thompson to Point Hope
- US5AK95M - Nunivak Island
- US5AK96M - Harrison Bay-western part
- US5AK97M - Kotzebue Harbor and Approaches
- US5AK9AM - Demarcation Bay and approaches
- US5AK9BM - Griffin Pt. and approaches
- US5AK9CM - Barter Island and approaches;Bernard Harbor
- US5AK9DM - Camden Bay and Approaches
- US5AK9EM - Bullen Pt. to Brownlow Pt.
- US5AK9FM - McClure and Stockton Islands and vicinity
- US5AK9GM - Prudhoe Bay and vicinity
- US5AK9HM - Jones Islands and approaches
- US5AK9IM - Harrison Bay-eastern part
- US5AK9JM - Cape Halkett and vicinity
- US5AK9KM - Pitt Pt. and vicinity
- US5AK9LM - Approaches to Smith Bay
- US5AK9MM - Scott Pt. to Tangent Pt.
- US5AK9NM - Pt. Barrow and vicinity
- US5AK9OM - Skull Cliff and vicinity
- US5AK9PM - Peard Bay and approaches
- US5AK9QM - Wainwright Inlet to Atainik
- US5AK9RM - Nakotlek Pt. to Wainwright
- US5AK9SM - Icy Cape to Nokotlek Pt.
- US5AK9TM - Utukok Pass to Blossom Shoals
- US5AK9UM - Pt. Lay and approaches
- US5AK9VM - Kuchiak River to Kukpowruk Pass
- US5AK9WM - Cape Beaufort
- US5AK9XM - Cape Sabine
- US5AK9YM - East of Cape Lisburne
- US5AK9ZM - Cape Dyer to Cape Lisburge
- US5AKJ3M - Kuku Strait - Mud Bay to Entrance Island
- US5AL11M - Mobile Ship Channel