- US5MA1GK - Nyes Neck to Pocasset River
- US5MA1GN - South Coast of Cape Cod - North Bay and Centerville
- US5MA1GO - South Coast of Cape Cod - Centreville Harbor and Hyannis Harbor
- US5MA1GP - South Coast of Cape Cod - West Yarmouth and Lewis Bay
- US5MA1GQ - Bass River and Nantucket Sound
- US5MA1GR - Herring River to Saquatucket Harbor
- US5MA1GS - Chatham Roads
- US5MA1GT - Chatham Harbor
- US5MA1GU - North Atlantic Ocean
- US5MA1HB - Rumstick Neck - Warren River and Kickamuit River
- US5MA1HI - Sippican Harbor - Weweantic River and Masks Cove
- US5MA1HJ - Buzzards Bay to Weweantic River and Wareham Harbor with Hog Island Channel and Onset Bay
- US5MA1HK - Cape Cod Canal Channel and Cape Cod Canal
- US5MA1HL - Cape Cod Canal
- US5MA1HM - Cape Cod Bay
- US5MA1HN - Cape Cod Bay and Scorton Harbor
- US5MA1HO - Cape Cod Bay - Sandy Neck and Barnstable Harbor
- US5MA1HP - Cape Cod Bay - Entrance to Barnstable Harbor
- US5MA1HQ - Cape Cod Bay - Nobscusset Point to Quivett Neck
- US5MA1HR - Cape Cod Bay - Quivett Creek Entrance to East Brewster
- US5MA1HS - Cape Cod - Pleasant Bay
- US5MA1HT - Cape Cod - Pleasant Bay
- US5MA1HU - North Atlantic Ocean
- US5MA1IB - Barrington River and Palmer River
- US5MA1ID - Taunton River - Somerset to Segreganset
- US5MA1IE - Assonet Bay
- US5MA1IL - Cape Cod Bay - Sagamore Beach to Ellisville Harbor and Cape Cod Canal
- US5MA1IM - Cape Cod Bay
- US5MA1IP - Cape Cod Bay
- US5MA1IQ - Cape Cod Bay
- US5MA1IR - Cape Cod Bay
- US5MA1IS - Cape Cod - East Brewster to Eastham
- US5MA1IT - Cape Cod - North Atlantic Ocean Nauset Harbor
- US5MA1JD - Taunton River - North Dighton
- US5MA1JE - Taunton River - Taunton
- US5MA1JR - Cape Cod Bay - Great Island to Billingsgate Island
- US5MA1JS - Cape Cod Bay - Wellfleet Harbor
- US5MA1KJ - Kingston Bay to Plymouth Harbor
- US5MA1KK - Plymouth Harbor - Plymouth Beach and Warren Cove
- US5MA1KL - White Horse Beach to Manomet Point
- US5MA1KP - Cape Cod Bay - South of Hatches Harbor
- US5MA1KQ - Cape Cod Bay - South of Provincetown Harbor
- US5MA1KR - Cape Cod Bay - Corn Hill to Griffin Island
- US5MA1KS - Cape Cod Bay - Wellfleet
- US5MA1LJ - Kingston Bay and Duxbury Bay
- US5MA1LK - Duxbury Bay - Duxbury Beach and Saquish Head
- US5MA1LP - Cape Cod Bay - Race Point to Wood End Bar
- US5MA1LQ - Cape Cod Bay - Wood End Bar to Pilgrim Beach
- US5MA1LR - Cape Cod Bay - High Head to Corn Hill
- US5MA1MJ - South River - Rexhame and Green Harbor River