- US5MA1MK - Green Harbor
- US5MA1MP - Cape Cod - Race Point
- US5MA1MQ - Cape Cod - Peaked Hill Bar
- US5MA1MR - North Atlantic Ocean - North of North Truro - Cape Cod
- US5MA1NF - Upper Weymouth Fore River
- US5MA1NI - Massachusetts Bay - Scituate and North River
- US5MA1NJ - Massachusetts Bay - Scituate and North River
- US5MA1OE - Neponset River
- US5MA1OF - Quincy Bay and Weymouth Fore River
- US5MA1OJ - Massachusetts Bay
- US5MA1RF - Saugus River and Lynn Harbor Channel
- US5MA1RG - Lynn Harbor Channel and Nahant Bay - Long Beach to Clifton
- US5MA1RH - Great Pig Rocks - Marblehead Channel and Marblehead Harbor
- US5MA1RI - North Atlantic Ocean - Marblehead Channel; Halfway Rock and Newcomb Ledge
- US5MA1SG - Salem - Danvers River
- US5MA1SH - Salem Sound
- US5MA1SI - Manchester Harbor to Coolidge Point
- US5MA1SJ - North Atlantic Ocean - Gloucester Harbor
- US5MA1SK - North Atlantic Ocean
- US5MA1TI - Essex Bay
- US5MA1TJ - Ipswich Bay to Annisquam River
- US5MA1TK - Cape Ann
- US5MA1TL - Approach to Cape Ann
- US5MA1UH - Plum Island Sound
- US5MA1UI - Plum Island
- US5MA1UJ - Entrance to Ipswich Bay
- US5MA1UK - Approach to Sandy Bay
- US5MA1UL - Northeast Approach to Sandy Bay
- US5MA1VE - Merrimack River - Groveland to Bradford
- US5MA1VF - Merrimack River to Groveland
- US5MA1VG - Merrimack River - Newburyport
- US5MA1VH - Merrimack River Entrance to Newburyport
- US5MA1VI - Bigelow Bight to Plum Island
- US5MA1WF - Merrimack River - Merrimacport
- US5MA1WG - Merrimack River - Belleville to Amesbury
- US5MA1WH - Salisbury Beach to Hampton Harbor
- US5MA1WI - Hampton Shoal Ledge and Bigelow Bight
- US5ME1AC - York Harbor to York River
- US5ME1AD - York Harbor to Cape Neddick Harbor
- US5ME1BD - Gulf of Maine Bald Head Cliff and Perkins Cove
- US5ME1BE - Gulf of Maine
- US5ME1CD - Moody Beach
- US5ME1CE - Gulf of Maine Wells Harbor to Kennebunk Beach
- US5ME1CF - Gulf of Maine Kennebunkport
- US5ME1DF - Kennebunkport to Cape Porpoise Harbor
- US5ME1DG - Trott Island to Fortunes Rocks
- US5ME1EF - Gordon Point to Springs Island
- US5ME1EG - Approach to Saco River
- US5ME1EH - Saco Bay to Wood Island Harbor
- US5ME1EI - Approach to Wood Island and Stratton Island